Wednesday, 30 January 2013

protues simulation :

is software use for simulation electronic project which make work is easy for engineers.

open protues and choose any components to design circuit .
after all project was completed ,run simulation to see output .
note : if you use MICROCONTROLLR in your design ,you may be use code to burn it .
This is link for protues download .

protues program

Sunday, 27 January 2013

pickit for pic microcontroller

The PICkit™ 1 Flash Starter Kit is a low-cost development kit .
 This starter kit is designed to help you get up to speed quickly using PIC® microcontrollers.
The kit provides everything needed to program, evaluate and develop applications using Microchip’s powerful 8-/14-pin Flash family of microcontrollers
Package Contents:

PICkit 1 Circuit Board with 8-pin PIC12F675
MPLAB® Integrated Development Environment CD-ROM
Software and Hardware “Tips ‘n Tricks” for 8-pin Flash PIC Microcontrollers Booklet
PICkit 1 Flash Starter Kit CD-ROM, including the HI-TECH PICC™ LITE C Compiler

Supported Operating Systems:
· Windows® 98 Second Edition
· Windows ME
· Windows 2000
· Windows XP

Friday, 25 January 2013

How to use switch software in mikroc

porta : port which switch connect with it.
0 : pin number in port.
1,1 : leave them like this.

if condition will be satisfy when PORTA has signal that mean button or switch was clicked.

Circuit using protues simulation  

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Led program using Mikroc

Led program: 

first LED-BLUE is on for 1 second,after that LED-RED will be ON at the same time LED-BLUE will be off for one second and the same for LED-GREEN.

Code using mikroc Program:

This is th circuit using protues simulation :

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

First Program

Hello Program :

1-      Open  Mikroc  Program  .

2-Project tab -> new project .

1-      Change project name ,browse for choose where project will saved.
2-      Clock choose 000.8000
3-      Press default and OK .

5-Code :

Line 1:main function which any program  must be beginning with it.
Line5:TRISC :is register  which used to select  pin state whether  input or output
So ,if TRISC = 0 ,that means  pin C is output port ,if TRISC = 1 that mean PORTC is input.
Line:6 PORTC =0 means  signal of zero in PORTC.
Line7: while(1)is infinite loop or may can use for(;;)
Line10: toggle PORTC which is on and off in continue .
Line11: delay_ms (1000) is function use for delay
Value 1000 in ms so equal 1 sec.

6- Project tab - > build ,here will process  HEX file which use in microcontroller circuit .

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

PIC microcontroller description


PIC Microcontroller :

The PIC microcontroller was developed by General Instruments in 1975. Although
The PIC controller was used to offload the I/O the tasks from CPU to improve the overall performance of the system.
In 1985, General Instruments converted their Microelectronics Division to Microchip Technology. In 1993, Microchip Technology launched the 8-bit PIC16C84 with EEPROM which could be programmed using serial programming method. now PIC is improved to use flash ROM .

note: any pic rom which contain f in its name that mean flash rom for example pic16f201.

        PIC types:
       1- 8bit pic microcontroller .
       2-16 bit
       3-32 bit
  The PIC architectures have these advantages:
  • Small instruction set to learn
  • Built in oscillator with selectable speeds
  • Easy entry level, in circuit programming plus in circuit debugging PICKit units available for less than $50.
  • RISC architecture
  • Inexpensive microcontrollers

Monday, 21 January 2013

Micrcontroller Introduction


A Microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core, memory,

 and programmable input/output peripherals. also often included on chip, as well as a typically small amount

 of RAM. Microcontrollers are designed for embedded applications, in contrast to the microprocessors used

 in personal computers or other general purpose applications.

Microcontrollers are used in automatically controlled products and devices, such as automobile engine 

control systems, implantable medical devices, remote controls  . By reducing the size and cost compared to a
 design that uses a separate microprocessor.

  Microcontroller Advantages:

·         They have small size .
·         They can be programmed .
·         They contain  processor ,RAM,ROM,I\O.